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Granite and Marble Express / Countertops  / Granite Countertops Masterpiece

Granite Countertops Masterpiece

What do you see when you look closely at your granite countertops sitting on top of your cabinets in your kitchen? Probably nothing significant at first glance, but its there. What you might ask? what's in my granite tops? Let me see if I can take you for a ride within natures masterpiece.

Because I work on this industry, I happen to be sitting at my desk and starring at my granite. Yes, I have a granite countertop desk, and it happens to be Uba Tuba. It’s nothing fancy but I can tell you that it makes everything on my desk look very expensive, including my pencils.

There’s just something about natural stone that changes people’s perception towards it. If you look deep enough at your natural stone, you could make out unbelievable patterns that only nature could depict onto a rock. Unlike us – human beings I mean – stone seems to become more and more beautiful with time. It’s like stone never gets old; I mean of course it ages, but it just seems to become more exciting and beautiful as time goes by, something that should have been adopted by humans.

Just looking at your countertops it is easy to take for granted nature’s work of art through millions of years. Can you just imagine how far that particular stone has traveled? or how much it has been through in its lifetime which will essentially last forever – given that you take extremely good care of it of course. It is amazing how far your mind can travel once you start to understand the entire process, beginning with its conception from volcanic rocks and explosions some million years ago.

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Granite countertops fabricator & Installer. Best Kitchen Remodeling and Bathroom Remodeling in Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC